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BANKERS EXTRAS de Antonio Da Silva

I am pleased to release 40 minutes of roughly edited footage. BANKERS EXTRA is a collection of 10 additional videos showing more men action in toilets. 

The original film BANKERS can be watched here
Total Length: 40:00

Watch more films about cruising in wc’s here: BE SEXUAL, BE SEXUAL extras , WC CRUISINGe WC CRUISING extras

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What did you think about this film? Leave a comment!


  1. exelentes filmes adorava participar em varios sou gay passivo


  2. LOVE this man!! Memories of crusing aroijd 5PM in london as a student. At a hotel bar restrain by Charijv Cross station. Very sinilah Scenes si hot. Where is this? Lisbon? If i come to Portugal Could i helo you with Your shoots? I hsd iffetec to di voice overs for you Too.


  3. Your best work has been the washroom sex “BANKERS”. Please focus on another similar series.


  4. Totally Rock Hard
    When the guy in the striped shirt bent over to blow the Cock in the black suit, I almost blew my load.
    I’m going to get comfortable and review that screen, unti I’m blasting my load all over the place….HOT, HOT, HOT


  5. Antonio, sur knows how to atch the beauty of hard cocks I wish I could find a place like this where I could see all of these cocks. Antonio please keep up the great camera work


  6. Where were all these beautiful men and all these beautiful dicks when I was in banking? Had they been around when I was in banking, I would have moved my desk into the rest room. What a bunch of gorgeous horny desirable men. I am sooooooooooo hot and dripping right now. Need to go and relive myself before my wife catches me. Thank you for sharing these beautiful videos.


  7. I’ve lost count of the orgasms I’ve had watching some of your films.

    Even recently whilst in hospital I was watching Bankers/Extras and sat with another patient and we master bated together until we came.

    Even right now as I write this I’m hard thinking about what I see and experience. Thank you.


  8. another amazing film..i cant walk into a public washroom and not think about this anymore..thank you


  9. loved how these bankers where showing rising interest in their hard cocks didn’t scare off potential customers and then making their deposits. that is a bank I’d like to do business with. This has to be he best video of a men’s rest room ever made. I’d gladly take their deposits.


  10. I’ve been cottaging since about 14 years old, I’m 42 now. I don’t what it is that attracts me to it… the danger, the risk, public spaces, exhibitionism, even the smell (which I know isn’t the best). It’s a part of me and I don’t want to stop. I worry that my partner will find out but at the same time I won’t tell him about my kink as he wouldn’t understand.

    I’m lucky enough to live in London. I pass through a major London station on the way to work… I’ve had some great experiences there. Likewise, on the way home a huge public building with multiple toilets provides lots of opportunities to engage with likeminded men. My gym sauna in central London is also a great place to indulge in illicit fun.

    Thank you Antonio for this film. It’s reassuring to know that there are so many of us that enjoy, and sometimes crave this form of contact. I love every clip in the extras series. I love the anonymous aspect of cottaging, I don’t care what the guys look like… I want to see their cock and balls, bouncing at the urinals. I want to objectify the men and be objectified… I want to worship at their phallic alters and likewise be worshipped as my proud hard cock is sucked and milked dry in a dirty cubicle.

    Man, writing this gets me so hard. But it’s a weekend so no cottaging for me. My partner will benefit from my hungry mouth when he gets up… and despite my extra curricular activity my experiences and fantasies help drive my libido, which my bf gets to benefit from.

    I hope that someone reading this is the owner of one of beautiful penises I’ve had the pleasure of looking at over the years, maybe we’ll meet somewhere in south London, as people rush around us we’ll share an illicit moment of raw, animal lust before parting and going about our lives as though nothing happened.


    1. Same here, I used to be totally addicted to cottaging, i did it every day, I could never get enough. All I wanted was mens cocks, before work, lunch times, & evenings. I was wondering who would be there, how many, would I get action, I used to drive to new cottages, I almost always found men wanting the same as me. Nothing to me beats the thrill of entering a cottage, standing next to men, seeing what they are displaying, are their hands moving, are they uncut, letting them see my cock, going down on there’s, keeping an ear for interruptions or police.


  11. Very hot! Lots of suits , lots of hot dicks! Wish I could have walked in on that!


  12. Men in suits at play in T-rooms (public toilets), hard cocks in rampant glory, balls sacks pumping large delicious loads. HOT DAMN!!! 10 hot film clips, each one long enough and hot enough to bust a nut or two. 21 gifs = 21 more reasons to bust a nut. 23 jpgs to drool over and enjoy. This collection of “Extras” is so worth watching. So fantastic, so hot, so delicious. Thank you Antonio.


  13. cum stain the suits


  14. Really innovating film. I loved it! Great angles, kept you guessing. Very interesting film 🙂


  15. I have already passed my comments about Bankers I absolutely ;love this film and those guys in suits what a turn on really horny stuff….I enjoyed Bankers extra as well —– But please please. please let us have some more of the Bankers films I think most of us love the guys in the toilets doing what they want to do having fun,wanking, sucking shooting – amazing to watch more please Antonio!!
    Thank YOU


  16. Although I am approaching 50 I am still sexually charged. This video reminded me in full detail of the best sexual times of my life. There were many places like this in the USA, one of which was a Courthouse of all places. Thank you for bringing this back to life for me. I wish I could teleport back to these times again.


  17. i love your videos very much


  18. I am a man of addicktion, always was, always will be. I am a public toilet addickt. I’ve been sucking big fat cock in beats since I was 13. My first addiction. Loved the film Antonio. As all the boys said above it also reminds me of some busy city beats in Sydney Town from my earlier days but thing is I still go to em regularly. I’ve never stopped going. There’s nothing more exciting than waiting in a cubicle to see what cock will be poked thru that glory hole, or kneeling for a sexy bloke at the urinal only to find there at 7 hard cocks being pushed in front of your face a few mins later. I eat cum like it’s an expensive delicasey. my cock is straining to be set free and I think I’ll have a quick tug before I go for my hour long lunch break……


  19. Bankers and Bankers Extras are two of my all time favourite short films. Watching men masturbate in suits in a public restroom contrasts the sensuality and eroticism of men bringing themselves to orgasm with the primal need to ejaculate when his hormones reach their peak and his body demands sexual release. Under every suit is a male body, and each man shares the same raw urges. Great work.


  20. Ola Antonio, amei o seu video. Super exitante. So tenho uma pergunta. Onde foi gravado? Alguma casa de banho de Lisboa?


  21. I loved this film …Fake or not it was very interesting and beautiful cocks ….You certainly have an eye for filming …I would like to have seen the cum explode but I still think your a genius…


  22. very nice ! love your work Antonio. Bankers especially brings back memories from many office
    buildings in the US in the 70’s & 80’s. Keep it up!


  23. This takes me back to a job I had in NYC, mid 70’s. The office building stood adjacent to its parking garage. Wandering, I found the sleaziest (in a good way) out of the way men’s restroom, barely enough space for two guys in the stalls. After hours it was packed, horny middle aged married men in suits grabbing at each other. Shit I was so young, it made me king of the all-out suck, fuck, even piss fest. Names were not shared, and if we ran into the others during regular office hours, a quick nod, wink or a sleazy smile. Loved it!


  24. Love this video…. Wanking while I am watching it…..


    1. Jacking in suits is be better if cum flew onto a suit or 2


  25. i absolutely love it hot and sexy


  26. Amazing movie! One of my favourite! 😛


  27. Wow – i have just had an intense morning. I know some of the places… just watched back all the bankers films (and a couple of others 😉 and was extremely turned on. just having been to the same place as some of the films makes the viewing pleasure so more intense…


    1. Where are these places I need some sexy straight suited men


  28. i love these films I watch them a lot thank you… please make some more of them. I love the suits situations reminded me of my days in the City of London when this could be found a lot in some of the buildings – very exciting- brings back many happy memories of encounters gone by. Please please do some more !!!


    1. Share the place names


  29. In all honesty, I think this video is fake. There’s no way that you have access to that kind of images without the other people involved realized. And if you have written or oral consent, then the magic of reality is not there. But I have to say that I like your work in general.


    1. wow amazing movie without pornstar ,I love it ,I want more video like this


  30. Same thing happens in Colombia, mostly in university bathrooms.


    1. How do you know???


  31. love to know where this bathroom is and I would be there all the time and I would let those guys fuck my mouth and ass and not letting them stop till they fill them full of their cum.


  32. this video is amazing! so so good! bravo!
    makes me wonder where this toilet is so i can go there myself! haha anyone know?

    again, well done! N


  33. I find it amazing because it really is the position they take in such situations , it is very exciting , deep down everyone wants to go through it one day just think ..


  34. very seductive and like the videos the most because it secretive and they were doing it in peak time and urgent.
    feel wanna help them in term of satisfaction of their feeling…thanks a lot


  35. Great vid. Brought back many memories of earlier days here in New Zealand. Not quite as many, perhaps, but so very similar in general


  36. All the 10 clips are terrific – so completely realistic, and really capture the voyeurism and excitement of “suits” cruising – which is a particular interest of mine, and I suspect of many – such contrasted settings!
    Your work is just so creative and original – I love it! Please keep filming!


  37. Absolutely terrific work, Antonio. So realistic, and in my view quite the best of all your films!


  38. Just fantastic – real life portrayal of how things are with these random anonymous hook ups in the “gents” in many a place in London… brings back many a happy memory… something very hot about a man in a suit standing showing his wares…


  39. It reminds me of when I worked in a corporate office for an oil company. There was a particular restroom that was just perfect for us who needed a little extra thrill and release. The film is realistic and not fanciful. If people only knew.


  40. As with all your short firms it’s impressive how it show the random interactions of people when it comes to sexual stimuli. Love the extra footage, you should think about doing that with all your work.


  41. Man, do you know my weaknesses. Beaches. Public restrooms. Love your work!! Man o man! Thanks again and I’m looking forward to your next work!! Bret.


  42. I absolutely love it! Real, hot and sexy!


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