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MACHOS by Antonio Da Silva

in 2017 Antonio Da Silva went to Mexico to produce the new film about Mexican men. The film is a combination of interviews, dance and scenes from an orgy that take us to a masculine homoerotic experience in traditional macho society in Mexico.

Watch MACHOS EXTRAS for 1 hour of additional footage.

A film by Antonio Da Silva

Dancers: Diego Mur and Saul Gurrola
With: Antonio Salazar, Anonymous Collaborators, Dowerman, Enrique Gonzalez Rangel, El Jauregui, Cristofol, Galaxy Boy, Santiago Rico
Director Assistents: Enrique Gonzalez Rangel and Santiago Rico
Camera: Antonio Da Silva, Santiago Rico and  videos submitted from Collaborators
Editing and Sound Design: Antonio Da Silva
Post-Production Assistent: Sérgio Roxo
Photographer: Eusebio Penha
English Subtitles: Cahir Connolly
Thanks to: Asher Edgar, Cristòfol Vidal Massanet, David Romero, Israel, Tom Smith, Tiago Carvalho, Jaime and Matias.
Year: 2017
Total Length: 21:00

The participants that had unprotected sex in this film were taking PrEP

See more images here            See animated gifs here

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What did you think about this film? Leave a comment!


  1. one of your hottest movies. such gorgeous men.


  2. Im sud because i must give my real name to see the film….


  3. we need an archive, we need an archive, and we need it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Dear Antonio
    Had you ever had a fly wander on your prick? That would let you know how I felt, looking «Solo in Zipolite», the most beautiful film you’ve ever done. The sounds, the textiles, the reflections and shadows on the skin, the cut, the wood, the zooms, the feets at the end, all this is so wonderful. I’m not the cock nor the fly in this image. I’m the third one, the pure sensual feeling coming out of it. Could imagine this going on for two hours, to follow this guy through his lazy day. Did somebody say vanitas? Then who put the sundown at the end of this movie?


  5. This was a very sexually charged film


  6. I love your art!


  7. Love your work!!
    ALWAYS gets me off!


  8. Hola Antonio queria darte un saludito y felicitarte por el resultado de Machos. Genial. Un abrazo


  9. This is incredible! Because I am a dancer and gay, this most definitely resonant with me. I want to own a copy of it.


  10. Antonio Da Silva
    Admiro tu trabajo tan artístico,prolijo y hermoso con el cuerpo masculino al desnudo.
    Todos los actores estuvieron a la altura
    Una belleza y estética obra de arte
    Me alegra se haga este tipo de trabajo y ojalá nunca termine


  11. I enjoyed your new film and I am looking forward to the release of the extra footage! I think your films are more erotic than pornographic and I adore that! Your attempt to share more than the sex as well as reminding us that sex is both about the body and the mind (even when it is not so or we think it is not so) is wonderful. Your careful and honest portrayal of the male body, the men and the way that you capture their thoughts as they share something so personal and in some cases private… remains a distinct privilege.


  12. Excelente film que retrata la fuerza natural que tenemos los hombres y que nos conecta con la naturaleza; la que generalmente está escondida por la represión de la sociedad conservadora.


  13. Hi..sorry..I would like know the price for see the video…in terms and conditions I read that 6 $ is for 365 days (1 year) true? Or 6$ for day? Thanks a lot..I love your video..Paolo from Italy..


    1. Yes it is valide for 1 year.


  14. Yo visite Mexico y quede encantado.Pero tuve un encuentro en un lugar de playa y todo fue en principio increible:Nunca me habian penetrado y esto sucedio
    pero me dejaron destrozado y ya han pasado dos años y tengo lamentablemente una fisura anal que me hace recordar que destrozar un ano no es nada
    divertido.Creo que el sexo made in Mexico es muy duro,pero supongo que habra excepciones.Y eso si son muy dotados,pero eso ya no me atrae dado
    el resultado.


  15. I LOVED the beach scenes and the gorgeous dancers (reminded me a bit of Lynsay Kemp or scenes from Sebastian). And as always, I’m amazed at your ability to get people to allow you into their very personal and intimate worlds. You can clearly charm the pants (literally) off people 😉


  16. Wow I loved it, everything about it was sexy to see to here to look at. Beautiful bodies, the dancing, wonderful.


  17. Absolutely SUPER delightful ! ^^ edgy border raw editing, in-depth narratives, strong powerful images, intense flowing pace, OMG, this is the better warhol in his peak, man.


    p.s. any chance for some matthew barney cremaster style dvd from this lovely catalogue of work soon? ^0^


  18. Really like your work, you are very gifted, congrats! Your new movie “Machos” is great, please keep up the good work 🙂 I work in TV myself, so I know how much work it can be.
    If you ever come to Vienna, Austria (that is where I live) please let me know, would love to talk to you about your work.


  19. I rented another two of your films today. They are superb. Come to Australia and make a film – if you can persuade enough uptight locals to participate that is!
    After watching them I decided to make a donation. I am very happy to support your wonderful work!


  20. buenisimo, no lo puedo negar me he enamorado del hombre Mexicano, me encanta lo rico que lo hacen, se entregan y penetran , dificil no enamorarse y complacerlos, jaja


  21. No la he visto pero el teaser está interesantísimo.




  23. I have not seen MACHOS yet, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the rest of your work. I have all access 2011-2016.
    Thank you for the most astonishing art I have seen.


  24. This looks very interesting. The latino men mentality is pretty much the same, in Mexico or South America, and now that society is changing so fast, it is important to take a look at those feelings/ behaviours.


    1. It is changing, especially in cities and urban areas, but the small towns with country men ( rancheros) is slow to change


  25. Thanks for this film! keep filming the “real life” 😜👍🏼


  26. O filme tem pontos muito interessantes. É possível fazer um paralelo entre os Machos mexicanos e os brasileiros, pois existem pontos em comum na atitude desses homens. Na cultura gay, a hipermasculinidade é cultuada, embora nem sempre assumida. O homem muito masculino e hipersexual é objeto de desejo e também busca sua satisfação sexual. A menção aos crimes de homofobia é um lado obscuro disso. Homossexuais também matam, odeiam, não são anjos. Sexo e morte andam bem perto. Mais uma vez me surpreende como as pessoas se habilitam a se expor nuas ou fazendo sexo. O filme não tem um tom ficcional, mas documental. Por mais que rostos nem sempre apareçam, ou que corpos sejam parecidos, eles estão ali, à vista. Querem ser vistos. Deve haver machos em outras partes do mundo também… Parabens!


  27. Me encanto tanto tu film Machos. Vivo y nací en los Estados Unidos pero pude ver mucho de lo que soy en como pintaste el hombre mexicano. Gracias por todo lo qué haces. Espero ver el próximo!


  28. Merci pour cette incursion dans l’univers des machos. Ce film est très excitant. La séquence de l’orgie m’a bien fait bander comme un fou.
    J’aime cette façon de filmer le sexe entre mecs. Ce regard complice, subtil et avisée qu’on y trouve…
    On voit que tu aime ça et que tu comprends ce que ressentent les hommes quand ils baisent entre eux…
    ce qu’il y a de troublant et d’exaltant à offrir son corps a un inconnu et se faire pénétrer par lui…
    Y compris dans la part de brutalité que portent certains de ces mâles mexicains.
    Merci vraiment de nourrir mes fantasmes et faire jaillir le sperme de ma queue !


  29. Os teus filmes são cada vez mais “performativos”, mais artísticos e mais bonitos.


  30. I love Machos trailer, love the concept! I’d have liked to participate next time that you come to México again, Im from Monterrey Mx. I sent you an email with my instagram


  31. It was great to watch MACHOS film. Really beautiful. What I find particularly beautiful is that in every video, I recognize your eye, but every time you surprise me.
    I loved the way you perfectly managed to show a paradox: these “machos” are also very gentle, caring. There is something very friendly about them, in the way they have sex (even quite brutally) but still continue to laugh a lot, smiling at each other etc. This kind of relationships is precious, I think, and it is important that you should show they actually exist.
    THANK YOU so much for this.


  32. lo que me gusta mucho es como sigues la linea de destacar la belleza del cuerpo humano y de mostrarnos las diversas culturas del mundo y su opinión sobre la homosexualidad. En detalle es bueno el contraste que quieres mostrar sobre la hombria del hombre mexicano y sus inclinaciones homosexuales, me gusto saber que le gusta dominar y que lo dominen. Me gusto mucho lo referente al tamaño de sus miembros característico de los pueblos latinos de hecho esa escena la vi muchas veces. la orgía es fabulosa! Te deseo la mejor de las suertes, te envío un abrazo


  33. I love it,i love the style and specially the narrative I thing the images feets very well with the dialogue.
    I love the party sceenes
    I love the kinki stile and the shooting style.
    I loce the mix of images during the sex sceenes,
    it would be lovely if you coud find some Chakales having sex with transvetides…
    Love your style, the actors are real people and Iove all the mix of diferent shoots that are dark or not focused… it is amazing!
    Please let me know if you want to come back in Mexico to do a sequel, I want to participate and I have a few friends that will be also interested in to work with you.
    Lots of love from Mexico City!


  34. Haber participado en esta producción de Antonio da Silva me dio la oportunidad de poder completar un sueño hasta entonces incumplido. Fue también el momento ideal para exhibir esta parte erótica y egocéntrica que me caracteriza, de una forma estética y excelentemente bien tratada. Asimismo, aproveché su lente para externarle al mundo mi percepción de la realidad, desde el punto de vista de un mexicano que se siente frustrado y limitado por una sociedad machista, prejuiciosa y conservadora; en la que los libertinos no tenemos espacio y en consecuencia nos vemos obligados a llevar vidas subalternas, reprimiéndonos y asumiendo posturas e ideologías que no nos corresponden ni con las que nos identificamos .

    Le agradezco a Antonio por todo su trabajo y por la atención que tuvo conmigo y con mis amigos. Fue una hermosa coincidencia que la vida nos haya cruzado y que hayamos podido alienar nuestra manera de ver la vida mediante este bello filme.


    1. hey… you have plans to make some project with focus on men’s buttcheeks? I mean..something ass cheeks showing with details and close ups..some butt cheeks showing several kinds of shapes in a very sensual way, with a documentary talking about the fascination for this..and why it is so forbidden , talking about machismo that involves this…there are so many things to talk about it..and there’s nothing made for this…


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