DANCERS by Antonio Da Silva

Thirty-five Portuguese dancers undress in front of the camera. They become the object of desire with a sensual provocative performance. Eclectic dance disciplines help this film to explore an exhibitionist view of the male nude.

These artists are not afraid to challenge the general thinking about male nudity and they showcase the potential of creative Portuguese performance arts.

After all, the penis also can dance!

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A film by Antonio Da Silva

With: Angelo Neto, Antonio Onio, Bráulio Bandeira, Bruno Alexandre Uka, Celso Jumpe, Claudio Filipe Vieira, Daniel Pinheiro, Dário Pacheco, ‎Flávio Rodrigues, Filipe Baracho, Filipe Viegas, Gonçalo Beira, Ivo Serra, Luiz Antunes, Luis Guerra, Luka Mpasi, Martim Pedroso, Miguel Bonneville, Miguel Flor, Miguel Pereira, Nuno Gil, Nuno Labau, Nuno Silva, Paulo Guerreiro, Pedro Cunha, Pedro Nunez, Pedro Santiago Cal, Rafael Alvarez, Renato Pires, Sergio Diogo Matias, Tiago Fonseca, Tiago Marques, Victor Hugo Pontes and Vitor Viegas.

Camera, Editing, Sound Design and Music: Antonio Da Silva
Assistant Editor: Miguel Pho
Music: Requiem – Mozart
Support: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Queer Lisboa.
Thanks to: Berlin Porn Film Festival, IndieLisboa Film Festival, Pixel Bunker, Elga, Julio Dolbeth, Mark, Pedro Rocha and Tom Smith.
Year: 2014
Length: 10:17

Best Portuguese short film at the InShadow Dance Film Festival, Portugal.

HIV rapid test for men who have sex with men.
CONTACT: +351 910693158

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What did you think about this film? Leave a comment!


  1. Excelente trabajo!!!
    Expresión corporal y arte en su máximo elevación…
    Muy impresionado.
    Muchas gracias!!!


  2. Beautiful men and film
    sexy and yet extremely elegant


  3. Poetic, sexy and lovelyñ the beauty of the body in motion. I always have a crush on a man who knows how to use his body ro create beauty. Dancers are special blessings on the planet.


  4. The way you link the beauty and innate nature of dance to pure joy and our sensuality is perfect. Thank you.


  5. Loved the whole adventure. Awesome. Made me cum too MMMMMMMMMM


  6. this film is very artistically precious and attests to film-makers big skills. The actors simplicity and naruralness covinces and persuades the spectator. The film is true and pure. The men are showed how they are realy.


  7. Parabéns pelo excelente filme. A fotografia, a luz, a música, a sequência de imagens, o desempenho dos atores, tudo perfeito. Um filme que alcanca a dimensão da arte erótica, muito além da mera pornografia


  8. Parabéns pelo excelente filme. A fotografia, a luz, a música, a sequência de imagens, o desempenho dos atores, tudo perfeito. Um filme que alcanca a dimensão da arte erótica, muito além da mera pornografia


  9. O Nuno Gil não participou da cena em que ficam eretos?


  10. Colin-Roy Hunter aka Criquaer Monday December 7th, 2020 at 06:40 AM

    Wow – as far as I am concerned this is a masterpiece: flawless cinematography; nigh-on perfect image-sound editing; dazzling dance-movement; and (I am assuming) careful choreography.

    No choreographer is credited as far as I could see: so did the director dictate the movements or was it serendipitous, improvised moments that were cleverly woven to form this pæan to free masculinity in its animistic atavism, unfettered physicality, uncensored sexuality, glorious creätivity and intense emotion?

    I started at the belt whip-crack. I gasped at the young men’s beauty and talent. I laughed at the Amen. I “Ouf!”d at the ejaculations. And I wanted to hug some of them in the (seemingly) vulnerable moments when they collected up their clothing. This is probably one of the most intimate films I have ever had the pleasure and privilege to view.

    Usually porn makes me feel like a voyeur, uncomfortable and thus unable to enter the fantasy proffered. This homoërotic short did not point the finger-of-blame at the viewer, but rather drew us – indeed me – into the performances. This is a veritable tête-à-tête where the watcher is thoroughly inveigled into the dance, pulled in as each performer’s very own personal dance- and ultimately sex-partner. If this is classed as porn, then I did not feel dirty for eyeing it. In fact, I came away feeing somehow refreshed and cleansed.

    Masculinity is usually traduced in the media and within popular culture. In “Dancers” positive facets of our manhood are proudly displayed, for which a huge OBRIGADO to Antonio da Silva.


  11. THAT was incredible! 🙂


  12. Sexy,beautiful,intense,eye candy,talent…


  13. This film was so hot it made me hard and I thought I would almost cum!


  14. I love your art!


    1. Absolutely amazing. Thanks to those who came. What a delight.


  15. Achei interessante, tem sensualidade que sai do óbvio, muito bom conhecer outras formas de se fazer filmes gays que não sejam apenas dois caras que entram em cena, começam a se chupar e depois gozam na cara um do outro.


  16. ADORO DANÇAR, O SEU TRABALHO É EXCELENTE, QUE DELICIA DE BUNDAS E PAUS, FICO DOIDO, ADORO HOMENS BEM LIBERAIS, QUE ESTEJAM ABERTOS A NOVAS EXPERIENCIAS, Deixe-me apresentar, me chamo Lucas, tenho 28 anos,1.90, moro em Presidente Prudente SP, moreno claro, 80 kg(corpo normal), sou dotado e bundudo, procuro amizades ou namoro, dispenso punheteiros de plantão, não curto afeminados e nem menores de idade, não ligo para sua altura, sua cor de pele, nem seu peso; ligo para caráter, honestidade e atitude ,não ligo se vc se considera ativo, passivo ou versátil,sou super liberal, não ligo se você é heterossexual, bissexual ou homossexual , , se quiser me conhecer melhor só me chamar no whats: (18)98122-0556, na primeira mensagem que me mandar já mande seu nome, sua idade, e que cidade e estado vc mora, punheteiros de plantão não percam tempo me adicionando, porque não faço ninguém gozar pelo celular ok.


  17. I’ve had so many conversations over the past couple of days about your work and how fucking brilliant you are. <3


  18. A beautiful film. Thankyou very much. i did send you an email a few days ago. You are a superb and skilful film diector. Obrigado!


  19. Um trabalho simplesmente maravilhoso!


    1. Interessante! Misturando prazeres, dança e sexo, melhor combinação não há!


  20. The most artistic trailer of your movies, and even your edition had a choreography. Actually, I have seen it in other of your trailer as well.


  21. Amazing the music and the game of scenes. Inspiring, not just for jerk off, but in a very artistic feeling. :]


  22. A beautiful film. Thank you very much. You are a superb and skilful film diector. Obrigado!


  23. Leonardo Manrique Larios Wednesday June 8th, 2016 at 03:47 PM

    Hola Saludos desde México, que gusto poder disfrutar de un video como este, mejor que ver una porno, de mucho mejor gusto, más fino felicidades


  24. Antonio,
    seus filmes são de uma expressão incríveis, amo todos eles, mas assim como já colocaram aqui, estou esperando ansiosamente pelo DANCERS conteudo total, sem cortes disponivel!
    Aqui nno Brasil, não consigo ter acesso ao pagamento, mas ficaria encantado se pudesse disponibiliza-lo.


  25. A beautiful film. Thankyou very much. i did send you an email a few weeks ago - don't know if you received it(?). You are a superb and skilful film diector. Obrigado! Saturday April 16th, 2016 at 06:41 AM

    please see the ‘name’ section – sorry, I did it in the wrong place11


  26. Beautiful. You made me cum – better than any porn I’ve seen for ages.


  27. Nice film. I guess I would have appreciated some instance where there is less movement and you can appreciate the beauty of the naked models much like statues but perhaps the dancers didn’t feel comfortable about it. Anyway, nice output.


  28. wao me gusto mucho esta pagina lo máximo y mas el sexo en publico ejemplo playas lo q siempre e deseado estar creo q es una forma diferente de recrear y desahogarse ojala pueda viajar a ese país y disfrutar de esa laya tan rico felicidades a todos un beso desde panamá


  29. Tu réalises les films que je rêvais de voir.
    Le montage des bandes annonces est super.


  30. Love your work. It is so great to see a male director producing work for men who like men in such an honest way and sexy way. The beauty of your subjects always comes through, whatever their shape or age. Love the clear, sharp images of their cocks and balls, soft and semi, erect and ejaculating, their arses, thighs, legs, chest hair and back muscles. To see men exposed in this way is such a voyeuristic turn on and very intimate, as they’re just normal guys like you or I.




  31. Olá, Antonio.

    Parabéns por disponibilizar alguns extras do filme DANCERS. Com certeza, o melhor e mais erótico de todos. Continue com excelentes produções e quando estiver no Brasil, me procure por e-mail, pois gostaria de participar de seus projetos. Abraços.


  32. Dancers is probably the most erotic film I have ever seen. Thanks for the Extras!


  33. Antonio Da Silva reminds me just how much I love a good piece of dick! I wish I could follow him around during his filming excursions and other research. I’m such a fan of his work.


  34. Parabéns António pelos excelentes filmes! Está na calha algum filme de extras do Dancers? Espero que sim. Abraço. TH


  35. I agree with Eric! If you put out a extra footage of this, I won’t be able to hand you my money fast enough to get to watch it ;). Incredibly sexy film!


    1. Thank you for your suggestion / i will work in the extras of this film for sure!


  36. Oi Wesley,Thank you very much for let me know about the illegal link with my film!! I really appreciate that!!


  37. Olá, Antonio.
    Concordo com o Erik! Poderia disponibilizar o material sem edição e mais longo do filme DANCERS. Adoraríamos saborear mais momentos com esses lindos modelos. Com certeza, também estou na fila à espera desse lançamento.
    Abraços dos fãs brasileiros.


  38. If you would provide extra footage from “Dancers” I would be first in line. Please continue making great work. Prefer non-sexual nudity and dancing before anything else.


  39. OMG!!!
    They are amazing!!!


  40. Man taip pat patiko filmas vyrų varpos šokiai, žiūrėjau išsišiepes
    I also liked the movie male penis dancing, I watched breaking into a grin


  41. this video really show me about how beautiful a man can move. im speechless, this is all about dance and in the end, Antonio really surprise me. this is really a work of art!


  42. nicely shoot, perfectly cut (yes, the pace ^_-), delightful fun soundtrack, simply wonderful! ^0^
    definitely me 2014 choice of christmas gift, any chance it’ll be on DVD? ^^


  43. On 2014-08-15 Graham said

    I’ve been talking a lot with different friends about Dancers and the one thing that EVERYONE is fascinated by is how you got real bona-fide (no pun intended) dancers to get hard and, in a couple of cases, cum. I think when it’s ‘real people’ like in Gingers or Daddies, people are less surprised as it’s relavtively easy to find exhibitionists but when it’s an artistic performer with a career in dance, they are amazed. I guess a lot of dancers are comfortable with nudity but the erections etc are a big step further. It REALLY intrigues people and definitely seems to be the usp of that film. And I’m not the only ADHD guy who gets obsessed with who is who from beginning to end. You’ve invented the Whodunnit of cum!! (I’m currently trying to identify Mr Hairy Helicopter penis in the bathroom just before the cum shots. His body is insane)


  44. On 2014-06-22 sati said

    Gosto muito do corpo, da nudeza, dos homems, do sexo, do porn… teus videios estao muito belos e interessantes, além de sensuais/eroticos! Na vida heterosexual duma mulher em México nao ha muita oportunidade de compartir interesses assim. Aquí quase todo o mundo pratica sexo sim, mas com culpa ou sentimento de fazer algo sujo e perverso (o qual desfrutam também, eu sei). Questoes como o erotismo, cultivar praticas esteticas e sensuais nao é procurado muito mais das mulheres se maquiar e vestir roupas curtas e sapatos largos… eu odeio que para os homems gostar de mim, minha sensualidade seja reduzida a vestir fantaseada. Ela é muito mas do que isso.

    Entao, I celebrate teu trabalho, tua creatividade e estética, os belos homens that you portay e suas historias, como as do filme “Daddies”, uff! os homems maduros sao irresistíveis! …and young ones and tall, and short, and light skin, and dark skin, and bearded, and short and long haired ones… ja!

    Além da minha sensibilidade sensorial, gosto muito do tema pelos estudos de sociología e dos géneros que faco atualmente. Ok, só quería te dizer que I enjoyed o que estas fazendo.

    Saludos desde la bella ciudad de Tijuana!


  45. On 2014-06-18 Roberto said

    Antonio, you are a prophet, you brought back to life the language of ancient Gods. This is not only a movie: it’s a sacred rite devoted to the Creation. Thank you


  46. On 2014-06-17 Andrew said

    Hi Antonio,
    I absolutely loved ‘Dancers’. You have crafted an amazing and novel arty niche for yourself. I’ll look forward to your future productions. ‘Strippers’, may be?


  47. On 2014-06-18 marc said

    wonderful ! the dancers seemed vulnerable yet invited us into thier private world!


  48. On 2014-06-16 Sebastian said

    Hi Antonio. Just got familiar with your work. Very very impressive shots. Loved it. Keep up the good work x


  49. On 2014-06-17 Fuad said

    I’m astounded by the extraordinary work you deliver with each video master-piece. My true respects to a true artist.
    Thanks for sharing so much lyrical visual stimulation with us.
    Have a good one!


  50. Enjoyed the clip will have to watch the movie.


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