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BE SEXUAL by Antonio Da Silva

BE SEXUAL interviews some participants from BANKERS. They are bisexual married men who carry their secret desire for other men. They demonstrate how they get fulfilled by hooking up in public toilets. They describe how it feels to be attracted to men and where this emotion fit in their daily married lives. These men live double lives and they question the need for bisexual labeling. All they want is to BE SEXUAL.

Watch BE SEXUAL EXTRAS for 1 hour of additional.

“When I watched the film, I didn’t know whether to cheer, cry, or jack off.
(I ended up jacking off)”
-Anonymous “BE SEXUAL” participant.

“Maybe the sense of unfulfilled longing is part of the desire itself, knowing that what I want is probably impossible, and therefore its value is increased. That may add to the sexual thrill of it all, I don’t know.”
-Anonymous “BE SEXUAL” participant.

Watch more films about men cruising in WCs:

A film by Antonio Da Silva

With: Bankers
Camera, Editing and Sound Design: Antonio Da Silva
Year: 2016
Length: 11:00

See more images here               See animated gifs here

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  1. Your artistry transcends the wall between natural sexual expression and pornography. This gives a sort of freedom to gay and bisexual men all over the world who are xeriencing judgmental homophobia, bullying and severe depression. Bravo and continue to,examine the male body and its diversity in form and behavior!


  2. How exciting to see these men in suits get horny. And hear them talk about their secret activities. It is enjoyable. Strongly the same kind for the future … thank you very much


  3. wish I worked there. Now that’s a team building exercise!!!!


  4. There are some really nice cocks on display here


  5. Your films all fall under the same rule:- Never watch them on anything other than “Full Screen”.

    They are all that wonderful.


  6. Love the movie so much,wish to see more men in suit film’s..
    Keep it up Antonio!


  7. I’m just getting acquainted with your work, through links on Squirt. Very erotic, and very artistic. I look forward to learning more about your films.
    I’m a middle-aged married man with a very strong sexual attraction to men, and I have to keep this side of my sexuality under wraps. I don’t find men like me represented much in art and film. I enjoy looking at the men in your films


  8. There are some sexologists who claim that most men are, indeed, attracted to other men and i’ve read of claims that sex between guys has historically been acknowledged to be common in conservative countries such as Italy or spain cuz the women aren’t available. (there was a tradition of english gay men going to italy cuz the young men were so available). I met my first Portuguese man about 6 months ago when I was working in a hotel in tel aviv. He was married and handsome and he made it clear he was attracted to me. Likewise, a Spanish guest.


  9. My kik is tucsonsun and my email is and id love for someone to hit me up.


  10. EU ADORO COMER HOMENS CASADOS E CHUPAR O PAU E O CU DELES, O SEU TRABALHO É EXCELENTE, QUE DELICIA DE BUNDAS E PAUS, FICO DOIDO, ADORO HOMENS BEM LIBERAIS, QUE ESTEJAM ABERTOS A NOVAS EXPERIENCIAS, Deixe-me apresentar, me chamo Lucas, tenho 28 anos,1.90, moro em Presidente Prudente SP, moreno claro, 80 kg(corpo normal), sou dotado e bundudo, procuro amizades ou namoro, dispenso punheteiros de plantão, não curto afeminados e nem menores de idade, não ligo para sua altura, sua cor de pele, nem seu peso; ligo para caráter, honestidade e atitude ,não ligo se vc se considera ativo, passivo ou versátil,sou super liberal, não ligo se você é heterossexual, bissexual ou homossexual , , se quiser me conhecer melhor só me chamar no whats: (18)98122-0556, na primeira mensagem que me mandar já mande seu nome, sua idade, e que cidade e estado vc mora, punheteiros de plantão não percam tempo me adicionando, porque não faço ninguém gozar pelo celular ok.


    1. Oi Lucas gostei do seu anuncio, e gostaria de ser seu amigo. Você mora aonde você curte o que. Ativo Passivo ou Versátil.


  11. @Be Sexual
    It is awesome to watch a movie which reflects exactly how I feel. Each testimony.
    In Berlin I had first contact with men in a Sauna. One very gifted man on the shower slowly got hard and started jerking off besides me and I started doing the same. We just grabbed each other’s dicks and when we looked at each other it was so intense like I never experienced before. We kissed like crazy while we came onto each other. Since then I am obsessed with cruising. I have had the most incredible adventures. At some point just grabbing another men’s dick just made me precum. Seeing a older male gasp and cum just makes my day. Almost as much as getting a rim job.
    Congratulations for your work, it is so true.


  12. Trabalho de excelente qualidade… Mais que excitante! Uma obra de arte!


  13. As as straight male i find your films really arousing..


    1. In that case you are to some degree bisexual, not that labels matter.


  14. Be Sexual captures the essence of bisexual men’s lives, lifestyle and dilemmas. Rings so true for me! Hope you had a successful showing in L.A.
    Love to see you do some films around sexual taboos and those who engage in them. For example, electro stimulation and urethral sounding as well as many others.


  15. Yet another wonderful work of art! I am so amazed at how you “beautifully” display male sexuality. Honestly, I think that the majority of guys, at least 95%, are at least bisexual. Men like to see how we measure up against other men. For some of us, we like guys that are like ourselves – masculine! For others, we can’t resist a rock-hard cock; there is just something about a big, hard dick that’s just hard to resist. A warm asshole is also hard to resist. I simply wish I could join you and your camera on every erotic excursion. I can’t imagine how you feel with every single taping.


  16. I can’t wait to see what is the new film about.
    I consider you belong in a bracket of film makers which includes Jean Genet, Kenneth Anger, Derek Jarman and James Bidgood.
    Please don’t stop.


  17. Consegues tornar o sexo em arte
    E é super excitante na mesma
    Mas poético ao mesmo tempo


  18. for me is great…


  19. Great film, Antonio. This (and BANKERS) chime perfectly with me. I worked in the City of London for nearly twenty years, in financial services, in IT. I was one of those guys that felt the need, almost every day, to go out at lunchtime and get a sandwich, then find somewhere to hook up with some other City guys to masturbate. By mid-day, the need to ejaculate with someone was overwhelming.

    As one of the interviewees says, it’s separate from anything at home. It’s not a desire for anything more than like-minded friendship with another guy (or even less). For most guys, penises are a taboo subject. Many guys never see another one, other than their own, after leaving school unless they play sport, go to the gym, or peek at the urinal. Yet to see whether another guy is long/short, thin/thick, cut/uncut etc. is fascinating. To bond with another guy in a suit (or group), both (or all) fully erect, and to ejaculate together is special. It’s that “all boys together” feeling of camaraderie. Very rarely do you meet anyone who is intent on sex or who wants to touch. Occasionally, in my case, a friendship has followed, when we discovered mutual interests – and the whole past masturbation thing is forgotten.

    So congratulations on yet another fine piece of work. Well researched and presented.


  20. Being gay, I find many guys curious about the life of a gay guy. Many want to feel the experience of being with another man. They enjoy getting into a circle jerk with other guys and seeing how sexual guys can be. It can be just jerking off or in some cases having anal sex. I know a few bi guys taking Prep(Truvada) so they can experience real fucking. The great thing is they can be themselves, experience with other guys and still be know as str8.


  21. Arthur the Netherlands Friday April 22nd, 2016 at 11:19 PM

    Beautiful films, very esthetical and horny. Thank you very much for making and sharing such jewels 🙂


  22. Congrats on BESEXUAL – actually did change how i see men’s sexuality. I found that without the “str8 goes gay” fantasy construct, their sex was much hotter for it. People accept female sexuality is fluid. Why not men too? This film is the only place that I’ve seen that show well. You’re a leader in the field! Well done.


  23. Excellent. I love the film and intrigue with tea rooms. I would love to see you take it further and do a film on adult bookstores or gloryholes.


  24. Hola antonio, primero que nada quiero felicitarte por los videos que haces, la calidad y lo estetico que se ven, es genial.
    Me gustaria saber si tenes alguna idea de realizar algún video pero saliendo del estereotipo “normal”(por llamarlo asi, del cuerpo) me gustaria que hagas un video de la gente que le es dificil encontrar un encuentro sexual, ya sea por la discriminacion que hay dentro de la comunidad gay, te doy un ejemplo los osos son muy descriminados por los flacos, por tener tan solo unos kilos de mas, como tambien los osos discriminan a los flacos. Me gustaria que plasmes esa idea ya que es un tema recurrente dentro de la sociedad, o mi otra idea es hacer algo dentro de la comunidad osuna, como es dentro.
    Desde ya muchas gracias y perdon por no escribirte en ingles, es que no escribo muy bien. Te mando un fuerte abrazo desde Argentina.
    Jonathan, un oso chubby


  25. I just wanted to say that I love this new banker interview movie. It’s something I can totally relate to and I find it amazingly horny.

    Keep up the amazing work.


  26. i love your work. thank you for making it!


  27. in August of 2010, I posted this in my blog. It was, in fact, my first entry. Reading it today, I realize I’ve evolved in my thinking…

    Five-plus years later, I no longer assume that the man stroking my penis with absolute fascination and focus is actually gay or bisexual. I’ve actually come to a place where I feel comfortable accepting—at least the possibility—that he is actually heterosexual… or at least that his identifying as heterosexual isn’t automatically denial.

    This isn’t easy for me. Like anyone, I like my answers simple and my causations and explanations solid and identifiable. I like this-therefore-that explanations that don’t force me to think too much.

    But there it is. Men who regularly co-pleasure other men at my JO club identify as “straight” and I have decided to take them at their word… to a point.

    First, I believe (there’s that “B” word I can’t avoid) that straight guys can enjoy sexual pleasuring from another male, even enjoy a fascination with another man’s penis, without losing any of their attraction to or fascination with women.

    Because I know them. I’ve met them and I’ve played with them. It actually feels different masturbating with straight guys, although it can feel intensely passionate from a physical perspective. There’s just something missing… a sense of more intimate bonding and recognition. They seem less invested in the act, even though they’re just as committed to the moment as I am.

    “I’m just a slut” was the answer I got from one friend I asked about his sexuality. After further exploration, it came out that he felt and identified as straight, but because he enjoys sex play with men during three-ways with his wife, because he’s not resistant to it, he felt compelled to identify as “just a slut” rather than admitting that all he masturbates to are fantasies involving women.

    You and I can label him “bisexual.”

    And maybe all of this analysis is just more bullshit and we’re all simply struggling futilely to fit sexual attraction into those clearly defined compartments… just in a more nuanced way.

    I do believe that there are constitutional differences between what we broadly think of as gay men and what we think of as straight men. Strangely enough, I no longer include the assumption that a man’s ability and desire to take sexual pleasure in another man is the sole defining characteristic of sexual orientation.

    It really is okay to admit that we don’t know everything and that some things are confusing.


    1. This comment reminded me of a Christopher Isherwood quote I had read as a teenager:

      “It seems to me that the real clue to your sexual orientation lies in your romantic feelings rather than your sexual feelings. If you are really gay, you are able to fall in love with a man, not just enjoy sex with him.”

      This was extremely profound to me as a young man before we had the visual medium of the internet and helped me understand myself and what it meant to be a gay man, as I’m sure Antonio’s work does to others today.


  28. Well done! Soooo Hot! Spectacular! Cum inducing! Another fine work Antonio, and even though I didn’t see that hairy Jesus guy(Jorge) anywhere, I was more than satisfied! Keep the guys cumming, pun intended.


  29. Thank you Antonio for a great piece of work. More than the eroticism inherent in all your films, what rings home and true in Be-Sexual is the testimony. Wish I knew where to meet guys like the ones in the movie. In addition to the sex I would enjoy having a beer with them to talk about their “bi-ness” and how they live it. Having a foot in two camps in never easy. I can 100% identify with the movie. Great work!


  30. Just watched it and LOVED it! There are few things in the world sexier than a a man in a suit but one of them is a man half OUT of a suit… I think it’s amazing that you get such trust from guys – both in masturbating for you but also in really opening up honestly too. Exposed in mind and body I guess. I guess you’re cute and smiley and disarming… people are happy to wank for you / I clearly would ;- )


  31. Great Film! – thank you for doing more men in suits and talking about their Bi sexuality,its interesting to hear their views and of course and …Oh! those lovely scenes in the toilets – great Antonio lets have more more of Bankers and this type of film. Great!!
    I will always purchase the ones with suits that you put on.


  32. Soo hot and exciting to watch. To see everyday married men carry the same fantasies and urges as many of us gay men regardless. Such a turn on. Even more so that allot of the time it is kept under the rug, turns me on even more. The interviews made so much sense to me as a young bisexual man. The need for sexual pleasure with out any other nonsense, loved it. Thanks x


  33. Thank you for this film! When I watch your movies and get a lot from them. One part is off course the beauty of the men that you can get before your camera, they are exciting. I like when your participants talk, speak about their experiences, their wishes, their fetishes, their excitement. I wish, I were that open and free!


  34. Thx a lot bro I apreciated that I love you , I Realy do love that all the time horny


  35. The sexual spirituality on this video is immense. Loved it!


  36. Another brilliant piece of work – to take the sexual and present it in terms of real life (as opposed to fantasy or porn) is so very erotic. I also appreciate the exploration of the bi-sexual experience. Thank you Antonio!




  38. I’ve just watched the full length video. As always, I am as turned on as interested and moved. I was very interested by these guy’s stories.
    I think your work is pretty much about this. About this sort of secret friendship and other kinds of “secret handshakes. Men showing themselves quite vulnerable, and taking a risk to be judged. But as you do all this with the same kindness, people who watch the film only want to understand them and hug them, in a way.
    The way you trick us into listening to them by arousing us and making us hard, basically, is wonderful. Sade did that too, right? But not with the same kind of kindness that i’m very sensitive too. Your energy is not toxic, it’s the opposite.
    The voice over on the credits is wonderful. I can relate to this guy very much. Beyond the question of being bi, I’m very interested at the moment about “double lives”.
    Being bi is still a taboo these days, and I really love the way you tackle this.
    Thank you so much for this 🙂
    Hugs dear!




  40. WOW! There ARE other UNCUT men like myself that have the EXACT SAME feelings, needs and wants as I do. We need to start a group or “club” for us to meet safely and discreetly. Thank you!!


  41. I love this film, it looks like the sequel for bankers 🙂


  42. Wow that is good work.
    It covers some ground. And you got some good audio interviews and footage.
    Some of those guys were horny as. The fucking in the toilets- wow that’s cheeky lol
    I love that there’s no faces


  43. Anonymous "BE SEXUAL" participant. Friday March 18th, 2016 at 10:48 AM

    Part of the excitement of my male encounters is being a person that does things that nobody would guess I would do. I’m not just talking about sucking cock (which would surprise most people who know me), but also being a bit nasty, e.g., licking rank armpits or getting pissed on or swallowing cum or jerking off for the film Bankers or having clips of me jerking off in Spunk (or discussing my male encounters in Be Sexual). My everyday persona is pretty vanilla, and so is sex with my wife. I really enjoy (it gives me a hard on) having a hidden part of my life that is a bit nasty and would shock most people who know me.


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