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CRUISING IN THE PARK de Antonio Da Silva e Fabio Lopes
Este filme retrata o percurso de um homem “heterosexual” casado que tem o hábito de ir engatar no parque ao lado de seu local de trabalho durante a pausa do almoço.
Ele vai caçar mas também é caçado por outros homens casados e discretos. Eles gostam de olhar para os penis eretos de uns dos ouros, masturbação mútua, mamar e foder.
É um ritual de breves encontros na mata. Depois de ejacular, ele volta para o seu aborrecido trabalho.
A narração deste filme foi criada partir de excertos de alguns dos comentários e feedback que os visualizadores fizeram aos filmes, BANKERS e BE SEXUAL.
Veja mais 45 minutos de filmagens extra em CRUISING IN THE PARK EXTRAS.
Um filme de Antonio Da Silva e Fabio Lopes
Com: Participantes Anonimos, Bruno, Charles, David, Francesco, Giacomo, Mark, Michael, Nicholas, Raffaele Savignoni, Thomas, Turtledovexxx e Vincent Dupré
Montagem: Antonio Da Silva
Camara: Antonio Da Silva, Fabio Lopes e Oliver Sarley
Texto: Antonio Da Silva Films Viewers, Fábio Lopes e Rodrigo Vaiapraia
Narração: Rodrigo Penalosa
Musica: Rodrigo Vaiapraia
Design de Som: Antonio Da Silva e Rodrigo Vaiapraia
Fotografias: Oliver Sarley
Ano: 2018
Duraçao: 15:40
Os participantes que tiveram sexo desprotegido neste filme estavam a tomar PrEP
Teste rápido para o VIH dirigido a homens que têm sexo com homens.
CONTATO: 910693158
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I thoroughly injoy sex out doors in public. And this film made me bust a few nuts.
I like yourself am married and have kept my other side hidden all my life, this is a superb and very real film and emotional for me .I live at the bottom of the world and play only with married men, until recently i knew many areas where i could play but here it is now all changed and alas the internet has killed the art of cruising i think here.
I remember orgies of men in toilets and parks day and night ,even policemen and soldiers/airmen I met at lunch times and once even when he was on duty at night.
I don’t think I could find such places now ,I guess the few gay clubs in this country but i don’t go to clubs, perhaps saunas but again there is none in my city.If you have a place today near where you live ,you are very fortunate.
Regards from NZ.
Ditto… love Antonios work!
Oh to have this in my back yard in Rotorua New Zealand
Where has the art of cruising gone?
I love cruising, public parks are the best for it, tho a bit risky, that’s why it makes it so hot.
It’s a good work, i really enjoyed all the video, specially the last part.
I would like to know the ending son of this video. Thank you
Hey, i really enjoyed your work and i would like to know the ending song . Thank you and greetings from Colombia
I love public, outdoors, anon.
Very hot! The voiceover narration just added to the erotic quality. Loved it!
Very hot. Thank you
I just found your website and watched Cruising in the park. loved it and will be watching other films. would love to see a film on locker room cruising or a jockstrap underwear fetish. May be guys that sniff other guys jockstrap or underwear in the locker room or trade used underwear. would be a huge turn on. too bad Craigslist personals went down that would be an amazing film on stranger hookups. Thanks
Luv it…very hott.
Looks great…
the filming is amazing and the audio is super!
thanks antonio!!
i will love to be part of one of your vids
absolute wonderful film about real men and what men look for
This is the first of your films I’ve seen and boy, am I glad that I have. Real men, doing what real men love to do, and what we have all done in our time. Capturing that is the main magic of your art, Antonio, but you also somehow build up to the action in such a natural, low key but utterly realistic way, and with such a deep, throaty commentary, that I was completely enthralled. The scene of spurting cocks was the highlight – wow!
Every one of your films falls under the same rule:- never watch them on anything other than “Full Screen”
You have a wonderful talent for knowing precisely where our eyes will be focused.
Thank you.
It brought back many memories. The sense of nervous excitement was always there. I haven’t been on the trails since the late 90s. Here in America and particularly in the South, culture has deemed sex as bad so while murders, robberies, rapes, and domestic assaults go unsolved, the places where men once met are more heavily patrolled by the police. One difference compared to my own experiences was there was not a lot of anal sex. When I was on the trails, masturbation and fellatio were more the preliminary activities leading to someone getting fucked or even gangbanged.
j adore ce genre de video c est naturel c est de l amateur rien de tel pour provoquer en moi une erection qui ce fini generalment pas une belle ejac
Oh que oui… ca laisse rêveur et assez fidèle à la réalité
Must be a high risk of HIV there and STD.
The pros: I love the setting of the real park, the clarity of the camera work and the real looking guys as opposed to those guys in porn who are so preened that they look like mannequins. Also, I do get that there is a story being told and yes, it is very interesting and being of an age pre-interent, park cruising was something I engaged in a lot so it does bring back a lot of memories.
The cons: I would have loved the film to be a bit longer and focus a little more on some of the anal scenes. To me, it felt like an extended version of the trailer; I kept waiting for more to develop; then it was over. If some of those sex scenes were longer, then this would have been an A+ film but with them being so short, unlike some of the other guys who had posted, it did not get me off nor was I left feeling satisfied after watching it.
Este filme é como que uma versão “outdoor” dos Bankers, em que o espaço mais amplo e mais protegido permite uma maior liberdade e combinações mais variadas e para mim mais excitantes.
I absolutely loved Cruising in the Park film- thank you for capturing what it is I felt about cruising all these years. While I still cruise now, cruising in my formative years while not being openly gay was a myriad of feelings.
This perfectly depicts a part of my sexuality, of my past sexual behaviour and current sexual fantasies and it does it so well! amazing work.
You are a very talented director, you bring outa sense of authenticity and psychologival depth in your amazingly hot scenes.
I’d like to suggest producing a video about circle jerking, group masturbation. In dedicated clubs, or at home with friends.
I just finally got around to renting and watching your new film cruising the park. I must say it is the best to date. Get work capturing a world that seems to be hidden.
The sexy, soft but rough voice sounds as if he was probably hard and stroking his cock when he recorded the narration track. He sounds like he is sharing one of his deepest and darkest secrets. And, he is. He is on his lunch hour and this is one of his favorite pass times.
So hot loved every moment of it
Another fantastic video, bankers with cursing in the park is the perfect mix of content.
Keep up the good work and looking forward to your next production.
I am sure you hear this lots – i would like to be a part of your content or meet up if your ever in the UK.
gosto do seu trabalho
não só pela excitacao que provoca
também pela ousadia, temas e olhar pra este universo
Sorry to say this, but was disappointed by this movie.
Best scenes were in the trailer!!
I was expecting more excitement and wild action .
It was just showing guys wanking together, selected guys were not that sexy, majority had small cocks and did not have full erection (lot of the cocks were flaccid).
I hoped to see more oral and hard sex, more suspense, more action.
This could have been way better.
Anyway, thanks for the effort to produce this..
I enjoy watching this video as it reminds me of my cruising days. It’s fun to see the interaction between the guys. Now cruising in the USA is almost a lost art since law enforcement tend to monitor all the cruising areas.
I like this kind of cruising
Make me crazy
I love amateur
It’s hot as fuck💦
This is stunning and so true!
This is so hot and you made me cum 3 times in one go.
Thanks for yours movies!
I really want to in your films one day. 😊
Merci pour vos films!
I absolutely love this one! I love the images, the narrative, the music, the tension that grows, but the narration stays somehow neutral. It is an amazing contrast. It made me really horny. The atmosphere is very good. Well done!! I am looking forward to see what is coming next!
I definitely love it. As Always. Thank you !!
new movie is great 😉
😈😈😈 I love your work
Congratulations Antonio and Fabio! I like a lot the way the film is edited, I like the voice of the narator as well as the text, which is deep and reflects a kind of « sad » reality among the gay/bi community and it it is filmed like it could be everywhere in the world. I also like the social aspect os Antonio s movies…
It reminded me of a couple of places that are here in my city where those kinds of practices are done. the narrative is very good, understandable and coherent, it capture the essence of cruising in many discrete places during lunch break and how much sexuality is fluid…
I love your work
Fiquei bastante feliz ao confirmar que este trabalho se aproxima (e ultrapassa) alguns dos teus filmes de que mais gosto (Bankers, Doggers e Mates). Aqui, encontro a relevância etnográfica e social que tanto admiro no teu trabalho.
Ficou interessante a lentidão do filme e a relação que cria (ver-ser visto) e o da procura-encontro com os corpos, o que confere a dimensão que te referia sobre o lugar, do habitat que se cria para o cruising e dos códigos-corporalidades que se adoptam para o engate.
Acho que o som e ausência de música, resulta bem. Ouve-se o som deste espaço e do caminhar e a própria voz sóbria do narrador e o texto ajudam na condução deste contexto. Todos aqueles sons (pássaros, passos, aviões, etc) enriquecem bastante. A música final é extremamente bonita e faz todo o sentido de estar ali colocado (estou um pouco viciado na música e em loop).
Considero este trabalho bastante real e que se coloca mais sobre um estudo de actividades e práticas sexuais. Neste não há espaço para uma erotização de corpos, como existe nos teus filmes de práticas semelhantes (Beach 19, a série do Brasil, entre outros). Aliás, a própria narrativa deste filme alimenta-se sobre o ato e aquelas pessoas e não pelo prazer de quem assiste o filme, mas que apesar de tudo também irá acontecer.
Parabéns, A!
I saw a lot of familiar bushes hehe
Ham Lands?
Ham, Hampstead, and if i am not wrong the bit go the old man standing walking seems to be in a cruising ground in Berlin.
I could basically say that the dialogue in this film is exactly what I feel. The sense of hunter and hunted. The mix of people the need to experience and play with another man ( but not be judged) to wonder if I will be the older man watching and hoping to be allowed to get involved. The connection to the point of cumming and then walking away back to normality. The meeting of similar faces and yet you don’t know who or their true background. The narrative is so on point for me. The part when it spoke of being turned down and doing the same was so true.
In short I loved it.
Gostei imenso do final, a limpeza e o voltar à realidade acompanhado da maravilhosa música “lunch break in the woods” <3, gostei mesmo!
é um dos pontos mais altos do filme porque traz um lado sensual e erótico com uma leve comédia.
Every time I see i film from you, it seems like you know me so well. Or maybe we have a lot in common, also. Or maybe you’re very good at pointing towards what makes us who we are, but without putting a judgement, or a clear name on it.
You manage to show what some people would call obsession, or compulsion, but without negative judgement. You manage to preserve the mystery around what makes us dependent on sex. Not only on sex, but on relating to other people through sex.
This is once again a great film. Different from the previous ones. I like the tone of it : the way the narrator trusts his audience. The way it’s completely honest.
And honesty is hot. Of course, I took a lunch break to masturbate to the film.
I wish you could have seen this 😉
Hugs, and congrats!