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Estamos em época de cruising na mata da PRAIA 19.

Este filme explora a realidade do mundo oculto nos arbustos da Praia 19 em Portugal, onde homens de todas as esferas da vida se encontram para diversão neste icónico playground de cruising. Novos vídeos com extras sobre CRUISING AT BEACH 19.

Esta é uma praia localizada numa Reserva Natural perto de Lisboa com uma extensa secção de cruising. É o destino ideal para sol, mar e experiências sexuais inesquecíveis.

Quando lá for, mantenha-se hidratado, não deixe lixo e não fume nas áreas arborizadas ou com vegetação.

Os filmes originais podem ser vistos aqui: NATURIST BEACHBEACH 19 e CRUISING AT BEACH 19

Veja mais 75 minutos de filmagens extras em CRUISING AT BEACH 19 EXTRAS.

Um filme de Antonio Da Silva

Com: Alexandre, Alejandro / @martypiletti (X), Andre, Beach Cruiser / @beachingagain2 (X), Bruno Morais, Charles, Christopher, Colby Keller / @colbykeller (X), Daniel Sanches / @Melursos (X), Daniel Seabra / @boyoporto (X), David, Francesco, Dutchrick / @smoothdad2021 (X), Jorge Alberto, Giacomo, Great Dane / @XxxGreatdane (X), @HungBerlinGuy (X), Ivan, Jacob, Juan Vargas, J Love, Jhon Gardener / @jhongardener (X), Sam Berger / @Justaholeforyo1 (X), L X, Lucas Moreno / @lucasmorenx (X), Manuel, Mario, @magnus22cm (X), Masked Sucker, Miguel, Mark, Max Bon / @Max_Bonergy (X), @LxSucker (X), Michael, Nicholas, @sweet_pareja (X), Pedro, Raffaele Savignoni, Ruby, Seas Of Spunk / @thimitrisx (X), Sunny Mike / @SunnyMike_ (X), Tiago e Vincent Dupré
Editing e Design de Som: Antonio Da Silva
Apoio: The Late Birds Lisbon Hotel
Ano: 2024
Duração: 22mnts

O GAT Checkpoint LX é um centro de base comunitária, dirigido aos homens que têm sexo com homens (HSH), para o rastreio rápido, anónimo, confidencial e gratuito do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) e outras infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST), aconselhamento sexual e referenciação aos cuidados de saúde.
CONTATO: +351 910693158

What did you think about this film? Leave a comment!


  1. If you asked me what I most want to do on a hot summer day, this is it. Cruising in the bush is so fucking hot!!


  2. Love your Cruising at the Beach films, always make me shoot a huge load. Very hot!


  3. Consegui lá ir á praia pela primeira vez. Gostei bastante da praia. Realmente reparei que praticamente todos os que lá estavam queriam divertir-se. Encontrei dois paus enormes na mata e ficaram vários a ver enquanto eu mamava. Deu me muita tesão.

    Obrigado pelas dicas 😉


  4. After watching this film I decided to travel to Portugal and visit Beach 19. It was my first nudist experience and i am very thank full for finally having the courage to be naked among other people in nature by the sea. The cruising tension in this beach is very high and sexy, at first I was very nervous in the cruising playground in the bushes, but I end up sucking a few cocks and cumming in a very hot dude mouth.


  5. wow what a hot film, as always brilliantly shot, anyone debating whether to rent its so worth the rental fee highly recommended


  6. The cruising videos are always the best. Really hot models. Considering a trip to Lisbon now 🙂


  7. Wow so horny. I got divorced went to Spain. Get away stumbling across the dunes when walking omg the thing in your new video I Justed watch I saw two guys sucking a guy off stood in bushes watching all of a sudden a hand wrapped around my hard cock I had out then a soft pair lips blowing me off all of a sudden spunked in his mouth


  8. your movies stimulates my bisexual side, and I do the bushes myself here in DK


  9. wowwwwwwwww hard again every movie

    The are very hot and great i love it


  10. Fantastic as always. Nothing says summer more than naked guys cruising in woods! Great location, hot bodies, beautiful dicks and a LOT of cum. Summer memories at their best 😉


  11. I know the no.19 beach….as an Englishman.on holiday in Lisbon many times. Male cruising is a deeply rooted rite of passage for gay men, and it is thank god, an important part of our sexual expression, even Today, be it secret sexual desire for guys who are in complex social / cultural situations, the excitement of the “secret” as well as unbridled anonymous sex. The world of Grindr and easy acces to porn or webcam sites remove the physical anticipation of what can happen in the moment. The film is honest and true. And it resonates with some of the best sexual adventures I have enjoyed.


    1. So so true, so wEll said Sexta, 26 de Julho de 2024 at 04:31

      Great to see autentic cruising films


    2. FR’s comment is spot-on. Love it . And love Antonio’s authentic depiction of honest male sexuality. Raw, beautiful, exciting.


  12. Your latest 2 films made me miss Portugal and Praia 19 very much


  13. Very HOT love the cruising in the woods,always enjoyed getting fucked in the open air


  14. WoW adorei! Está muito bem filmada… e gosto muito do fim, de mãos dadas


  15. The film is very hot! It makes me wanna travel to Lisbon very soon.


  16. Tasteful and Sensual! I was captivated by the way the narrative develops and the tension escalates, showcasing stunningly natural and attractive characters. The cinematography is exceptional, with your creative cropping and scene presentation that immediately heightens the sensory experience, drawing viewers into a state of arousal. Your framing not only enhances the visual allure but also showcases your artistic flair beautifully. I’m eagerly anticipating your next film. <3


  17. Finally got a chance to check out one of your films and this is number one!!!! Hot, raw, and didn’t want to take my eyes of anything. Good work and love to take a trip over there!!!!


  18. Nobody captures the beauty of men and the energy of cruising like you. This beach is paradise!


  19. very hot. can you do a fisting video next?


  20. So hot
    will there be extras?


    1. So darn hot!! Reminds me of the pre-internet/pre-app days when this was not just about cock and ass, but so much more about community ❤️❤️!

      Also, to echo Fsa, when can we see the “extras” footage? 😈😈😈


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