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Prepare-se para ficar excitado, tanto no corpo como na mente. Esta coleção de filmes explícitos explora as muitas facetas da beleza e sexualidade masculina.
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🔥 💚 video ART!!
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your awesome artistic vision with the world. I’ve been watching your films for a few years now and there’s nothing out there that’s quite like them. The way you capture love and pleasure in the age of the internet is really cool and very relatable.
Adoro seus filmes. Tem me dado verdadeiros momentos de prazer! Obrigado!!
Seeing Antonio’s films really changed the way I see myself and have sex. Thanks for making it!
I love your video’s; so sensual, sometimes direct but Always arrousing. And I loved the sound editing in the Jungle. Wonderfull animal sounds during the humping. And also the building up of the tension (in all your movies!!)
Wonderfull, Keep up with producing them.
Love you ❤
Love Antonio s cruising films. Love visiting Portugal, love these big dicks to suck and ride sometimes, specially i love cruising places around Lisbon, lots of married and bi man coming for the quicky and make they nuts lighter
Que hermoso el manejo de la xesualedad msculena. Delicada expresion manifiesta de tanta grandesa.
I like the aesthetic of your films, the photography, the way you capture the neutrality/beauty of male nude. But also the dirty of pornography, the masculinity. From the dancers to the cottaging ones.
Mates and the extras are super hot. All of your films are great, but that one just really does it for me 🙂
Your work is really something special. It adds that unmentioned magic that nobody really talks about. Please keep up the amazing work!
It’s always fun to watch your films. I feel like I’ve been transported to Portugal or Greece and on vacation haha. Not even so much about the hot, juicy stuff… just overall nice to watch.
I am watching your films with big interest, I love this kind of narration, I love connection between nature and body – super cool!
I am a fan of your works. I always eagerly await any new work. You are exceptional
gostava de fazer filmes. sou de lisboa
Дякувати Богу що Ви ї,фільми дуже чудові,хотілось ЩОБ було більше фільмів про молодих хлопчиків ЛГБД,коли ї, я буду ДИВИТЬСЯ, буду купляти,це дуже цікаво.
adquirí su pack especial de películas, que por cierto estoy disfrutando muchísimo, bravo!
Que belo website para que gosta de excitar com piças🍆🍆🍆
i hope you are well in this season of growing light. Thank you for your beautiful art and sensuousness…!
So sexy so hot snd so cut men…when will you cole in france id likd to bd filmed also
Antonio is very talented and manages not to be monothematic in the exploration of the male universe.
beautiful projects,
with an amazing taste of honesty
Very beautiful films, je dirais porno érotique comme personne n’en fait!
Beautifully hot
Super filmy .
I’m a big fan of your films! …and erotic art in general. The tone of your movies is really authentic, sometimes crude and still very exciting!
Gosto de todos os teus filmes. Fantásticos. O prazer de fazer arte no erotismo e sexo. Adorava experimentar. Abraço
Quero fazer um filme ! Sempre quiz fazer um assim ! Moro em Portugal – cascais ! Caso queiram por favor entrem em contacto comigo !
Email: carlosdudugyn48@gmail.com
Facebook :Carlos Eduardo Oliver! .
Boa noite !
Thank you so much! I’ve been a big supporter of your films. They’re artsy & very sexual in a different kind of way. Keep doing what you do!
Grin, just seeing your name on an email is enough to cause a rise in my briefs, knowing, something good and hot is coming my way.
I am looking forward see more about the future projects, x
Me encantan estos videos, me ponen bellaco, me gustaría ir a un lugar así para disfrutar del sexo al aire libre sin que nadie diga nada, wao me encanto
What I like most about Antonio s work of art is that it challenges frontiers between nude, eroticism and “pornography”! it really pushes the envelope! And also it sort of “sparks debate” about male to male sexuality! It is fantastic!
Live it did make me so horny … wanking time lolol
I feel the sex and smell it in your videos, são muito bons… parabens *0000* Queria estar em um deles …
Love every minute of it. Very interesting short films, and would love to see more, and what you have coming. Now on my way to see part II.
Amazing work. Very authentic. Erotic but with the real artistic value and not mechanical or gratuitous. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to see more of it.
I liked to take me with you
I just felt in loves with your way to catch love and sex
What you are doing is mind-boggling and so exciting to me!
[…] more of Antonio Da Silva’s films check out http://antoniodasilvafilms.com and to read our interview with the filmmaker click […]
Wonderful films, extremely beautiful real men. 100% erotic and sexually charged.
You are a very talented film maker.
so awsome.
u really got the gift.
wanna see you as a one of film maker.
Thank you, Antonio, for your creative artistry in the homoerotic genre with which I identify.
I look forward to seeing what you will bring forth in 2016. I wish you so much success and courage. I believe you are an important artist whose work combines more than one genre. This is a risky trick which many attempt but few succeed at, and certainly not with your consistency. Thank you so much.
You’re making sure my Sundays are fully occupied these days (I’m still obsessed with Dancers Extras naturally… 😉 )
Bankers. Bankers extras. I have been facinated with men in suited authority all my life. Being one for half my working career, men who have your life in their hands. The men of these films are men. They act like men. They look like men. The photography of the film is smart, interesting and most of all, interesting. Porn, not being or seeming like porn. You almost are able to show this film to men and show how to act like professionals. Almost.
Being out of work because of health, I cannot spend the money to get the subscription this year,, but as soon as I can, you will most definately get my check. My comment? Engrossing. If anyone can, get you own pass and sit back and enjoy the show.
wow i like your films… i need see more!! Please!!
just a note to thank you that you posted extra footage to some of your films. I watched some of it. I find it interesting; the men get individualised through it. And some or so spectacularly beautiful. A great pleasure!
I sow Spunk yesterday with three of my favorite bate mates. It was our first viewing of any of your films. I was so impressed by the creativity, the depth of insight and the playfulness of the entire work. This work seems to be more about message and artistic vision than porn, which is amazing since it is so intensely erotic.
After viewing, the four of us spent another hour having fantastic sex and four beautiful orgasms in rapid sequence. Only then did we collectively discuss the film and the consensus was that we all liked it, but it is so far from what we think of as porn, we were not prepared.
I’m very impressed and eager to begin my all-access pass to the rest of your work. Thank you for taking the erotic to new and original forms. It’s powerful and very much yours.
Fiquei bastante encantado com o seu trabalho, parabéns!