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PIX de Antonio Da Silva
La comunidad Gay rápidamente abrió las puertas a las relaciones online que van más allá de los típicos encuentros casuales. Unos exponen su cuerpo online para alimentar su lado narcisista e exhibicionista mientras que para otros es una caza voyerista infinita.
PIX es una composición de imagenes rápidas (selfies sin rostro) de hombres en una animación de 3 minutos que retrata el “mercado del deseo”.
Millares de cuerpos masculinos en poses típicas creando un mosaico de un solo cuerpo.
Un espejo, un torso expuesto y la promesa de diversión sin compromisos son sinónimos actuales de ligue.
Pero será excepción o regla -o necesario- en la vida de un hombre gay? Será que este comportamiento ayuda a comunicar o aisla a los homosexuales de la “normalidad” que se intenta alcanzar a lo largo de estos años? Será que la necesidad de conectar emocionalmente se convirtió en darle al botón de “load more guys” (cargar más chicos).
Ninguna animación de tres minutos puede responder a esto. Sólo tu, la próxima vez que poses frente a un espejo.
Un film de Antonio Da Silva
Montaje: Antonio Da Silva, Rui Oliveira, Cristiano Guerreiro y Miguel Pho
Música y Diseño de Sonido: KS y Antonio Da Silva
Año: 2014
Duración: 03:20
Fap d’Or prize at La Fête du Slip Festival, Switzerland.
Special Mention for Best Xplicit Short Film at Xposed Film Festival, Germany.
Todas mis películas son autofinanciadas, su aportación ayudará a continuar con la producción de películas artísticas de sexo explícito. Muchas gracias por la contribución.
Ver más imágenes aquí Ver más gifs animados aquí
Antonio, curto seus filmes, mas talvez esse seja o mais incrível, mais inteligente; que curadoria, seleção, ordenação e edição absurdamente exaustiva e precisa! parabéns!!
Brilliantly captivating and hypnotic! I’ve watched it several times already and will surely again and again!
Thank you for creating and sharing such amazing art and capturing the beauty of the human male body and our sexuality so gorgeously!
Amazing work! Keep it up!
a masterpiece. excellent
this is a master piece
[…] Site officiel de Antonio Da Silva / Regarder son film « Julian » gratuitement / Regarder « Pix » gratuitement […]
[…] PIX […]
Great! Real art!
Estupendo y creativo trabajo… enhorabuena.
[…] See the full length video at Antonio Da Silva Films. […]
[…] See the full length video at Antonio Da Silva Films. […]
Absolutely fabulous!
Antonio u are a genius
Best shit fucking ever
I’m so glad we are gay!
O SEU TRABALHO É EXCELENTE, QUE DELICIA DE BUNDAS E PAUS, FICO DOIDO, ADORO HOMENS BEM LIBERAIS, QUE ESTEJAM ABERTOS A NOVAS EXPERIENCIAS, Deixe-me apresentar, me chamo Lucas, tenho 28 anos,1.90, moro em Presidente Prudente SP, moreno claro, 80 kg(corpo normal), sou dotado e bundudo, procuro amizades ou namoro, dispenso punheteiros de plantão, não curto afeminados e nem menores de idade, não ligo para sua altura, sua cor de pele, nem seu peso; ligo para caráter, honestidade e atitude ,não ligo se vc se considera ativo, passivo ou versátil,sou super liberal, não ligo se você é heterossexual, bissexual ou homossexual , , se quiser me conhecer melhor só me chamar no whats: (18)98122-0556, na primeira mensagem que me mandar já mande seu nome, sua idade, e que cidade e estado vc mora, punheteiros de plantão não percam tempo me adicionando, porque não faço ninguém gozar pelo celular ok.
[…] was Da Silva’s way of exploring Grindr and Tumblr as a “marketplace of desire.” Watch the full-length NSFW film here.On the more playful side, Doolbaz’s photos also remind us of a Tumblr we blogged about a few […]
Espectacular, muy buen video, muchas gracias
O formato da exposição, assim como as fotos (imagens) estão excelentes e parabéns pela edição em evolução. Fantástico trabalho, Antonio!
This was amazing… so much work went into it! I loved how the poses transitioned seamlessly between each other so it flowed together. The variety of chests was probably my favorite part. I’d love to see a similar animation of just penises… all types transitioning like this video from soft to hard and from all different angles.
Thank God for imagination huh?
Did I forget to mention remote control, fast forward and reverse hahaha
Excellent Animations
Filme excelente! A exposição da intimidade das pessoas como necessidade e desejo delas é uma arte.
I was aroused and then terrified. The film satisfies my pathologically distracted mind by constantly changing the focus of my desire only disappointing in that it cannot last forever. Once I came I was left face to face with the desperate, limitless nature of sexual desire. Thank you for making this film.
Simply genius, left me without words!
Brilliantly done!
Loved this. Brilliant how it encapsulates that one thing «desire»in all of us.
Salve, salve Antonio. Seu trabalho é excelente. Parabéns.
Obrigado Jotalino!
Muito foda! Não existe outra palavra melhor pra definir o vídeo. Parabéns Antonio da Silva, excelente profissional, super criativo.
A CO JO NAN TE!! Muy bueno de verdad, me gusta mucho tu arte
brilliant work. editing and putting that together is some doing…wow.
while this film is phenomenal, i’d have to say with all of it’s imagery in the earlier part of the film and the ultimate objectification of the male body, which is likely to be one of the many elements (you being the artist could only expound upon) of the piece (nothing wrong with it – that’s for sure. thanks tumblr.) i just happened to notice something…
in the early montage i saw very few (very, very little) men of color. to be more specific, black men… not until we came to the hard dick portion of the film.
i saw more identifiable black dicks in sharp focus than nearly any brown or black male imagery throughout. even as we moved to the climactic end, that multitude of hard, big black dicks all but disappeared. this begs the question of the typical sexual objectification of the black man, all or in part for that one piece of his body, his cock, to me feels apparent here. the «myth» of the «big black dick» as the verifiable, often alluded to as the big dicked, top, fuck machine. flashing images of 8 inch plus black cock is what i will remember most about this film.
please do not get me wrong sir, this is a really fantastic piece of work. it is wonderful art to be sure. i would tell all of everyone i know to see it. but as we know, art is a subjective medium, meant to evoke the emotion and conversation of the people who have the pleasure and opportunity of viewing it.
for me, and just for me to emote here if i may, the images of the black man’s dick viewed as his primary «role» in this film, makes me very sad and reminds me that we as homosexual men can still dehumanize, minimize, perpetuate and typify the black man’s presence in our gay culture. relegated to being a penis. and please know, i am by no means saying this was meant here in your work at all. this sort of thing often operates as an «unconscious» (and sometimes not) inert awareness that exists amongst others, unless of course…you are the very thing of this reality.
I can’t help but feel that was intentional. The whole film is commentary on the baser side of the community. It demands athletic young virile white men as this has been the norm in pornography and culture. The black man is viewed as little more than the most advanced sex toy for your enjoyment as a white bottom boy. Did you see any Asian men? I didn’t. Even in pornography there are only a handful of Asian tops in Western film. If there is even an Asian present it is as a submissive, hairless fuck puppet. That’s why this is art and not pornography – it makes a statement about us and demands we look into that man in the mirror through our eyes and not our phones.
Interview avec Antonio Da Silva : sexualité, aventure et obsessions
Chef d’oeuvre. Masterpiece. Obra maestra.
Wow !
Beautiful! Hypnotic!
Simplesmente fantástico! Parabéns.
Such an exciting, imaginative and original movie. I shall watch it again!
Meu Deus! O vídeo mais criativo que já vi! Parabéns!
Que hermoso trabajo la belleza de los hombre
On 2014-05-19 Matan said
I just watched Pix last night and it was AMAZING!!!!!!
(My favourite movie you’ve done so far)
the concept is great, and how you made it work was incredible.
I watched it a few times and i found the pix of myself in it
On 2014-05-19 Kaito said
Fabulously done!
That must have taken you a lot of time and effort.
I wonder if it includes your own pic as your «self-portraiture».
On 2014-05-13 Balthasar said
the trailer of «pix» is amazing. The more I get to know your work, the more I see things in commun with what I’m trying to do with my writing
On 2014-05-17 Justin said
Wow! One gay dude doing the same thing by himself (mostly) all over the world. I find it hot and also sad, mindless and robotic. I like how much I’m thinking about this after watching it.