DANCERS free film


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Prepárate para emocionarte, tanto en cuerpo como en mente. Esta colección de películas explícitas explora las múltiples facetas de la belleza y la sexualidad masculina.

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What did you think about this film? Leave a comment!


  1. É incrível o que o Antonio faz sobre o corpo masculino com seu trabalho com cinema


  2. Wonderful. This is pure art at its best. It’s a celebration of the male body. Light, music and models: everything is almost perfect (I’d have avoided the twerking). Love how the music creates a tension and finally reaches a climax when the models expose their full bodies. And as soon as the body is free from the constriction of the clothes, the dancers start moving freely, expressing their art, enjoying the moving and the rhythm. I also like the combination of classical and house music: it fits perfectly the video. I was surprised by the sexual climax: but again, this is not porn, there is not even a direct stimulation. Just the penis pulsing with the music and doing what it was created for. This is a celebration of the male body and its mechanics. So graphic but still so intimate. Great piece of work.


  3. Brilliant! engrossing, mesmerizing, adult film/art. A true vision and release of male sensuality with a climatic ending. Thank you


  4. the film was lovely and what gorgeous guys so relaxed with their nudity


  5. As an ex ballet dancer id have loved the chance to exercise and train without a dance belt holding my member etc in place the nearest I got to it was rehearsing james solo on a hot day and my male coach allowed me to just practice in a kilt the freedom as it all swung around and not having to worry about any restriction enabled me to concentrate on ‘technique and characterisation also it felt cool and semi erotic knowing he was getting glimpses of the area usually concealed by the belt i must confess I got semi erect and leaked precum !


  6. It’s time to shed the weight and just be. Nudity offers a raw, liberating way to embrace simplicity and freedom.


  7. So beautiful!!! Was there sound?


  8. Just so beaitful. . Erotic. Jad cum to Didgers
    Which I had from way back and watched AGAIN. This s different But Also Such a turn on. Thank you. Would live to meet yiu and Maybe hekp you ok a shoot of I get to Portugal. Keep y Thd great Work. Woof!!


  9. Keep up the great work, Antonio. I haven’t seen many filmmakers reflect the hot, raw realities of gay life as well as you.


  10. I am totally in love with Rowland…such a beautiful, self assured sexy man. I watch his contributions over and over again.


  11. It was Christmas and i spend too much but i will donate when my money will be OK. (Sorry for bad english but my first langage is french from Quebec City, Canada.)


  12. I am 110% GAY and Antonio confirms my homosexuality every time I see his films. I just shot a load watching these beautiful man dance in the nude!!


  13. Stunningly beautiful men in all their glory, wonderful physiques so remarkable to see moving gracefully and sexily – so erotic and so desirable


  14. Fazer uma obra de arte sobre uma outra obra de arte é realmente um desafio pleno.
    É certo que uma obra de arte toca quem a aprecia de formas diferentes, no entanto, é muitas vezes sobre a obra e a mensagem e não sobre nós. Aqui acontece esse efeito contrário… pelo menos comigo! Fiquei a pensar sobre mim, a minha relação com o corpo, o meu amor ao corpo masculino, o meu desejo por ele e o carnal em que o corpo se transforma quando uma parte geralmente escondida surge perante mim. Fez-me olhar profundamente para que homossexual eu sou e para a pureza do desejo e do amor por outros homens. Quase que entendo o porquê de ser gay.
    Entendo agora que encontro no corpo masculino a beleza extrema. A sua fisionomia é bela sem reservas e os movimentos enaltecem cada detalhe desta divindade. Começo a acreditar que, para mim, o corpo de um homem é uma divindade. É sagrado. É perfeição. E tudo isto são visões minhas, putas, honestas que eu tenho sem manipulações. São genuínas e estão no meu interior sem as ter plantado. Que coisa bela que a natureza criou e agradeço também à natureza por me ter confiado este amor.
    Para além de tudo isto, esteticamente está lindíssimo. Quero deixar o meu apreço pelos “atores” e pela entrega.
    Provavelmente a melhor obra que vi do António.


    1. Adorei o seu comentário. Reflete também as minhas visões. Um abraço forte aqui de São Paulo, Brasil


  15. O Antônio glorifica o corpo, sacraliza o pau! O erotismo como expressão sagrada de louvar o corpo! É possível sentir o cheiro, o suor, o tremor, a respiração, a saliva….. Tudo é possível quando estamos diante do que o olhar de Antônio nos revela através de seus filmes!


  16. I cum many times with this video.
    I love the sound of cum when it loads on the ground … or on the body parts.


  17. Meu Deus… Macho é um bicho tão bom, mas tão bom que vicia!!!
    A parte dos PIRUCÓPTEROS é viciantemente hipnótica. O término com o gozo é a cereja do bolo!!


  18. Truly one of the most beautiful short films i’ve seen. than you 💚


  19. Great, fantastic cimeatography, choreography and editiong. Full complements to all involved.


  20. Tout simplement sublime!!! de très beaux garçons aux corps splendides, la grâce des danseurs, la sensualité et l’érotisme de cette chorégraphie en forme de chœur, où chacun exécute la même partition dans son propre décor. la personnalité de chacun s’exprime pleinement à travers ce qui lui est particulier: son intimité…le final est grandiose, c’est l’apothéose, chacun dans son style expulse ce qu’il a de plus beau, et c’est comme un cadeau offert pour s’affirmer, comme un accomplissement.
    Bravo et merci à Antonio, à tous les danseurs et à tous ceux qui ont contribué à ce petit bijou!!


  21. Absolutely beautiful & erotic!! Stunning dancers, loved the editing & the music. Hot!


  22. That was beautiful, man. Bravo!


  23. I was just shared a link to your Dancers, which was stunning.

    I subscribed and then watched the free film, Limonakia, which was mesmerizing, spectacular, and utterly erotic.

    Thank you so much for highlighting the beauty and sensuality of the male body and of men who have sex with men.

    Big hug from San Francisco!


  24. I was about to make a stupid joke about a bunch of professional dancers winding up in a short film in which they get naked in their bathrooms and do the helicopter, but it turns out the point of the film is to highlight the lack of financial support for the arts, so I guess the joke is on me?


    1. Very dramatic yet erotic in performance!


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